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Life Safety Personnel

  1. Durham Fire Protection District
    1. Upon arrival, the Fire Department Incident Commander will be in command of all emergency fire operations.
  2. Landlord Representative (Cushman Management Team)
    1. The Cushman Management Team (contact information provided on page 3 and in Appendix 1) acts as the liaison between the Carmichael Building and local public safety agencies, i.e., local fire department, local police department.
  3. Tenant Safety Coordinator (Tenant Personnel):
    1. Each floor & bay of the Carmichael Building. will be under the direction of a designated Tenant Safety Coordinator, who will assume responsibility for:
      1. Checking availability of designated personnel on the “Floor Emergency Organization Chart” (Appendix 1) on a regular basis and providing an alternate when a position on the chart is not covered.
      2. Keeping the “Personnel Requiring Assistance during Evacuation” Form (Appendix 4) updated.
      3. Activating the Manual Fire Alarm Pull Box, if required. Note: Anyone can pull the fire alarm pull box in the event of an emergency.
    2. When directed, overseeing the orderly exit of occupants via their stairway.
    3. Each Evacuation Coordinator will check everyone on his/her list and mark whether the person is absent or present and evacuated. These numbers are then presented to the Gintas Juzumas or Mike Harris who are the Building Emergency Fire Coordinator for Duke.